Insight Turkey
Insight Turkey
Challenging ideas
On Turkish politics and International affairs

The Gulf Crisis The U S Factor

The Gulf Crisis: The U.S. Factor


The election of the U.S. President Donald Trump played a key role in reigniting the Gulf crisis. The blockading quartet (Saudi Arabia, UAE, Bahrain...

The Regional Geo-sectarian Contest over the Gulf

The Regional Geo-sectarian Contest over the Gulf


Sectarianism in the Middle East has intensified since the U.S.-led invasion of Iraq and the outbreak of the Arab Spring, and has transformed into...

What is Russia up to in the Middle East

What is Russia up to in the Middle East?

Book Reviews

Dmitri Trenin, the current director of the Moscow based think-tank the Carnegie Moscow Center, raises a question that has been the interest of many...

Lessons and Legacies of the Blockade of Qatar

Lessons and Legacies of the Blockade of Qatar


The diplomatic and economic blockade of Qatar launched on June 5, 2017 has gravely weakened the Gulf Cooperation Council and raised questions in...

Lessons and Legacies of the Blockade of Qatar

Lessons and Legacies of the Blockade of Qatar


The diplomatic and economic blockade of Qatar launched on June 5, 2017 has gravely weakened the Gulf Cooperation Council and raised questions in...

Traditional Rivalry or Regional Design in the Middle East

Traditional Rivalry or Regional Design in the Middle East?


The repercussions of the Arab Spring and new polarization between Iran, Israel and the Gulf States means the Middle East faces multiple rivalries...

Traditional Rivalry or Regional Design in the Middle East

Traditional Rivalry or Regional Design in the Middle East?


The repercussions of the Arab Spring and new polarization between Iran, Israel and the Gulf States means the Middle East faces multiple rivalries...

Traditional Rivalry or Regional Design in the Middle East

Traditional Rivalry or Regional Design in the Middle East?


The repercussions of the Arab Spring and new polarization between Iran, Israel and the Gulf States means the Middle East faces multiple rivalries...

Domestic Determinants of the U S -Iran Rivalry

Domestic Determinants of the U.S.-Iran Rivalry


Recent studies of diversionary theory focus on domestic determinants of conflict between interstate rivals as well as the strategic behavior of...

Diffusion in the Arab World Turkey and Iran as Models

Diffusion in the Arab World: Turkey and Iran as Models of Emulation on the Eve of the ‘Arab Spring’


The literature about factors that promote growth and change presents models of diffusion that are based on societies’ attempts to learn from the...

The Impact of Religious Factors on Educational Change in Iran: Islam in Policy and Islam in Practice

Book Reviews

All political systems use the public education system to propagate the basic values and principles on which they are based, and when the political...

Russia's Presidential Transition: Implications for Turkey and the Black Sea Region


Russia's new president, Dmitry Medvedev, should be expected to broadly continue his predecessor Vladimir Putin's foreign policy toward 'Turkey and...

Analyzing the Duma Elections in Russia


This article examines the December 2, 2007 State Duma elections in Russia in terms of their significance and implications for Russian politics. The...

Editor's Note

Editor's Notes

On July 10, 2008, Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan paid a historic visit to Baghdad following up the visit of Iraqi president Jelal...

Saltanatın Dervisleri, Dervislerin SaltanatI: istanbul'da Mevlevilik The Dervishes of Sovereignty

Book Reviews

2007 was the 800th anniversary of the JaIalal al-Din al-Rumi.UNESCO designated 2007 as the Rurni year and a large number of activities were...

Saltanatın Dervisleri, Dervislerin SaltanatI: istanbul'da Mevlevilik The Dervishes of Sovereignty

Book Reviews

2007 was the 800th anniversary of the JaIalal al-Din al-Rumi.UNESCO designated 2007 as the Rurni year and a large number of activities were...

Turkish Perceptions of the West


This article, based on a book published by SETA, looks at the attitudes of Turkish people towards what is conceived as the West and Western...

Turkey’s Foreign Policy Vision: An Assessment of 2007


Turkey’s foreign policy needs a new orientation in the light of the new regional and global developments. As a major country in the midst of the...

Boosting Influence Türkiye s Renewed Military Activism in the Balkans

Boosting Influence: Türkiye’s Renewed Military Activism in the Balkans


While military and defense issues dominated Türkiye’s Balkan policy in the 1990s, economic, social, and cultural aspects became more salient from...

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