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Boosting Influence: Türkiye’s Renewed Military Activism in the Balkans

While military and defense issues dominated Türkiye’s Balkan policy in the 1990s, economic, social, and cultural aspects became more salient from the early 2000s on. This article examines the resurgence of Türkiye’s military and defense activities in the Balkans since the late 2010s. By demonstrating various platforms of military presence and defense cooperation, the article discusses how Türkiye’s engagements in military and defense fields are widening and deepening. Türkiye actively participates in international operations and regional defense cooperation mechanisms, often assuming leading roles. Bilateral cooperation with Balkan countries has been further strengthened by new agreements signed in recent years. Türkiye has also seen a substantial increase in defense industry exports to the region, supporting the development of these countries’ defense capacities. Driven by various factors and motivations such as its commitment to regional peace and stability, its advancements in defense industry and military technology, its quest for a stronger role in the region, and the increasing interest of Balkan countries in collaborating with Türkiye, the rising activism in military and defense fields indicates a new trend in Türkiye’s Balkan policy. Thus, military and defense engagements, which were a significant dimension of Türkiye’s Balkan policy in the 1990s, are regaining importance, even if within a different context and driven by new dynamics.

Boosting Influence Türkiye s Renewed Military Activism in the Balkans





Since the end of the Cold War, Türkiye has pursued active diplomacy in the Balkans, establishing itself as a leading regional actor. During the 1990s, characterized by the uncertainties of transitioning to a new world order and ongoing conflicts, Türkiye’s Balkan policy placed a strong emphasis on security. However, from the early 2000s onwards, Türkiye began to deepen its economic and social relations with the Balkans by employing new instruments. While Türkiye continued its military and defense activities in the region, they did not dominate Türkiye’s Balkan policy as they did in the 1990s.

Recent developments indicate a revival of the military and defense aspects of Türkiye’s relations with the Balkans. Although this trend has not been extensively examined in academic literature, it has garnered some attention from the media and analysts. Recent media reports have highlighted Türkiye’s increased military engagements in the Balkans, especially through military exports, and commentators have interpreted this trend as indicative of Türkiye’s growing prominence as a dominant actor in the region.1

This article will focus on Türkiye’s presence in the Balkans in the defense and military fields since the end of the Cold War, with a particular emphasis on the rising activism since the late 2010s.2 It will first examine how Türkiye contributed to the Balkans with its military during the 1990s, characterized by conflicts and crises, and after 2001, when peace prevailed in the region. The article will then discuss Türkiye’s current military engagements, which include both the processes started in earlier periods and a new trend of intensified military and

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