Insight Turkey
Insight Turkey
Challenging ideas
On Turkish politics and International affairs

Turkey s Comeback to Central Asia

Turkey’s Comeback to Central Asia


Following the collapse of the Soviet Union, Turkey emerged as an influential player in the Muslim and ethnically Turkic republics of Central Asia....

Uzbekistan as a Gateway for Turkey s Return to Central

Uzbekistan as a Gateway for Turkey’s Return to Central Asia


After two decades of downhill diplomacy, Turkey and Uzbekistan have pledged to deepen bilateral ties in years to come. Given its geopolitical...

The Silk Road between a Rock and a Hard Place

The Silk Road between a Rock and a Hard Place: Russian and Chinese Competition for Central Asia’s Energy


China’s displacement of Russian economic influence in Central Asia is generating great interest in Western academic and policy circles, but this...

The Nature of the Libyan Crisis and Forthcoming Election

The Nature of the Libyan Crisis and Forthcoming Election


Libya, which ended the 42-year rule of Muammar Gaddafi in 2011, has been dragged into another crisis. This study addresses the situation, by taking...

TİKA s Soft Power Nation Branding in Turkish Foreign Policy

TİKA’s Soft Power: Nation Branding in Turkish Foreign Policy


Over the past fifteen years, nation branding has become a popular subject of study, and a formative enterprise in the creation of national...

Strategic Culture of the OSCE and Its Reflection in the

Strategic Culture of the OSCE and Its Reflection in the Effort to De-escalate and Resolve the Conflict in Ukraine


The OSCE has until now been the only security organization which directly participated in the effort to de-escalate the war in Eastern Ukraine. As...

Toward a Privileged Partnership The EU Turkey and the Upgrade

Toward a “Privileged Partnership”: The EU, Turkey and the Upgrade of the Customs Union


Over the past few years, Turkey’s EU membership prospects have further deteriorated amid intensive political crisis between Brussels and Ankara....

Laying the Cornerstone for a New Turkey The June 24

Laying the Cornerstone for a New Turkey: The June 24 Elections


On June 24, 2018, with a participation rate of more than 85 percent, Turkey elected its President and parliamentarians. While determining Turkey’s...

Transatlantic Relations in the Age of Donald Trump

Transatlantic Relations in the Age of Donald Trump


While the future of the transatlantic relations has been a serious question of concern since the end of the Cold War, the institutionalized...

The European Union and the Mainstreaming of the Radical Right

The European Union and the Mainstreaming of the Radical Right


Radical right wing parties have been increasingly effective in challenging and eroding this consensus, using a redemptive sovereigntist platform to...

The Secular Foreign Fighters of the West in Syria

The Secular Foreign Fighters of the West in Syria


The Kurdistan Workers Party (PKK) operates under the names of the Democratic Union Party and the People’s Protection Units in Syria. The PKK is...

Germany and the European Union Post-Brexit Hegemon

Germany and the European Union: Post-Brexit Hegemon


In late-March 2019 the United Kingdom is scheduled to leave the European Union. Will Brexit lead to Germany becoming the EU’s hegemon? The...

The European Union Dilemma of the Kurds High Support for

The European Union Dilemma of the Kurds: High Support for Membership despite Lack of Sufficient Trust


How people in member and candidate states are oriented toward the European Union –meaning, how well they know and how they evaluate the EU– is...

Near Abroad Putin the West and the Contest over Ukraine

Near Abroad: Putin, the West and the Contest over Ukraine and the Caucasus

Book Reviews

Near Abroad is a must-read book for scholars and other readers who are interested in better understanding the relationship between the U.S. and...

The Gulf Crisis The U S Factor

The Gulf Crisis: The U.S. Factor


The election of the U.S. President Donald Trump played a key role in reigniting the Gulf crisis. The blockading quartet (Saudi Arabia, UAE, Bahrain...

Democratic Uprisings in the New Middle East Youth Technology Human

Democratic Uprisings in the New Middle East: Youth, Technology, Human Rights and Foreign Policy

Book Reviews

Mahmood Monshipouri’s Democratic Uprisings in the New Middle East: Youth, Technology, Human Rights and Foreign Policy fills the gap by providing a...

Traditional Rivalry or Regional Design in the Middle East

Traditional Rivalry or Regional Design in the Middle East?


The repercussions of the Arab Spring and new polarization between Iran, Israel and the Gulf States means the Middle East faces multiple rivalries...

Contentious Issues of Security and the Future of Turkey

Book Reviews

During the long years of the cold war, Turkey's foreign and security policies usually received little attention in the academic literature. Its...

Discussing Recent Literature on Turkish Politics: The Myth within the Myth


This paper challenges the view that the AKP is an "Islamist Party" and "hardly a democratic opening." It puts forward the argument that the AKP's...

Turkish Perceptions of the West


This article, based on a book published by SETA, looks at the attitudes of Turkish people towards what is conceived as the West and Western...

Europeanizatiaon and Nationalism in the Turkish-Greek Rapprochement


This paper attempts to evaluate the forces behind the Turkish-Greek rapprochement, its prospects and its limitations. In the first part, through an...

Turkey’s Foreign Policy Vision: An Assessment of 2007


Turkey’s foreign policy needs a new orientation in the light of the new regional and global developments. As a major country in the midst of the...

Modernity, Identity and Turkey’s Foreign Policy


Despite its unique geographical and cultural position between East and the West, Turkey, throughout its modern history, has followed a...

Systemic Changes and State Identity: Turkish and German Responses


This article seeks to analyze identity discourses in Turkey and Germany in the wake of the end of the bipolar world order. The radical changes...

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