Insight Turkey
Insight Turkey
Challenging ideas
On Turkish politics and International affairs

Strategic Culture of the OSCE and Its Reflection in the

Strategic Culture of the OSCE and Its Reflection in the Effort to De-escalate and Resolve the Conflict in Ukraine


The OSCE has until now been the only security organization which directly participated in the effort to de-escalate the war in Eastern Ukraine. As...

Virtual Neighbors Russia and the EU in Cyberspace

Virtual Neighbors: Russia and the EU in Cyberspace


The last decade has witnessed the consolidation of the European Union as a cybersecurity actor. Many of these developments have, directly or...

Near Abroad Putin the West and the Contest over Ukraine

Near Abroad: Putin, the West and the Contest over Ukraine and the Caucasus

Book Reviews

Near Abroad is a must-read book for scholars and other readers who are interested in better understanding the relationship between the U.S. and...

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