Insight Turkey
Insight Turkey
Challenging ideas
On Turkish politics and International affairs

Lessons and Legacies of the Blockade of Qatar

Lessons and Legacies of the Blockade of Qatar


The diplomatic and economic blockade of Qatar launched on June 5, 2017 has gravely weakened the Gulf Cooperation Council and raised questions in...

U S -Russian Relations in the Trump Era

U.S.-Russian Relations in the Trump Era


Donald J. Trump’s rhetorical shift from ‘leadership’ to ‘greatness’ made possible some sort of rapprochement between the U.S. and Russia, after a...

Charting Turkish Diplomacy in the Gaza Conflict


On December 27, 2008, Israel launched a deadly attack on Gaza. Turkey responded immediately to the Israeli attacks and strongly criticized the...

Turkish Perceptions of the West


This article, based on a book published by SETA, looks at the attitudes of Turkish people towards what is conceived as the West and Western...

Europeanizatiaon and Nationalism in the Turkish-Greek Rapprochement


This paper attempts to evaluate the forces behind the Turkish-Greek rapprochement, its prospects and its limitations. In the first part, through an...

Turkey’s Foreign Policy Vision: An Assessment of 2007


Turkey’s foreign policy needs a new orientation in the light of the new regional and global developments. As a major country in the midst of the...

Modernity, Identity and Turkey’s Foreign Policy


Despite its unique geographical and cultural position between East and the West, Turkey, throughout its modern history, has followed a...

Systemic Changes and State Identity: Turkish and German Responses


This article seeks to analyze identity discourses in Turkey and Germany in the wake of the end of the bipolar world order. The radical changes...

Torn Identities and Foreign Policy: The Case of Turkey and Japan


This paper examines the impact of contested national identity on Turkish and Japanese foreign policies. Applying a modified constructivist...

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