Insight Turkey
Insight Turkey
Challenging ideas
On Turkish politics and International affairs

The Politics of Chaos in the Middle East

Political developments in the Middle East have recently received a great deal of attention by journalists, editors, and academics, in addition to...

Muslim Modernities: Expressions of the Civil Imagination

It is a truism of contemporary social thought that modernity is not singular in its trajectories, but multiple. One especially significant element...

Turkish Politics in a Changing World, Global Dynamics and Domestic Transformations

Turkish Politics in a Changing World, consisting of articles written by Keyman and Öniş discusses Turkey’s political process without ignoring the...

Blood, Beliefs and Ballots: The Management of Kurdish Nationalism in Turkey, 2007-2009

Robert Olson has been a pioneering and prolific scholar of Kurdish nationalism. In Blood, Beliefs and Ballots, he analyzes Kurdish political...

The Armenian Rebellion at Van

Devoid of rhetorical embellishment, this work challenges some traditional notions about the tragic history of both the Muslim and Armenian people...

Winning Turkey: How America, Europe, and Turkey Can Revive a Fading Partnership?

In recent years, relations between Turkey and the United States have been tumultuous. This is in contrast with a half century of exemplary cordial...

Harmonizing Foreign Policy: Turkey, the European Union and the Middle East

Various scholars have analyzed Turkey’s foreign policy in the post-Cold War era from different angles. The changes in Turkish foreign policy, in...

Hezbollah: A Short History

The purpose of Augustus Richard Norton’s book— authored by the co-editor of the “Princeton Studies in Muslim Politics” series—“is to offer a more...

The Ashgate Research Companion to the Politics of Democratization in Europe

This edited volume brings together 23 articles by various authors who examine different aspects of European democratisation under four headings:...

Making Islam Democratic: Social Movements and the Post-Islamist Turn

In this book, Asef Bayat explores Islam and democracy especially with regard to what he calls the “post-Islamist” movement in the Muslim world....

Iran in World Politics: The Question of the Islamic Republic

Adib-Moghaddam’s engaging analysis of the Iranian politics is an effective antidote against the widespread characterizations of the Islamic...

The Ghazi Sultans and the Frontiers of Islam

The title of this new volume is perhaps misleading suggesting as it does a discussion of imperial expansion and its impact on conqueror and...

The Politics of Anti-Westernism in Asia, Visions of World Order in Pan-Islamic and Pan-Asian Thoughts

Based on extensive literature and fieldwork research in international relations, intellectual history and political thought, Cemil Aydin has...

Labour Migration from Turkey to Western Europe, 1960-1974, A Multidisciplinary Analysis

Labour Migration from Turkey to Western Europe is a detailed multidisciplinary study of the labor migration from Turkey to the West during the...

Secularism and State Policies towards Religion: The United States, France, and Turkey

The relationship between the state and religion, or the question of secularism, has always been one of the most hotly debated issues in Turkish...

Passive Revolution: Absorbing the Islamic Challenge to Capitalism

While Islamic fundamentalism or “radical Islam” has attracted a great deal of public attention, some societies in the Muslim world have experienced...

Islamic Literature in Contemporary Turkey From Epic to Novel

This work’s title Islamic Literature in Contemporary Turkey From Epic to Novel might give some readers the impression that this book is about...

The Museum of Innocence

One of the most distinctive things about Orhan Pamuk’s writing is the playful way he tantalizes his readers by constantly blurring the boundaries...

Kemalism in Turkish Politics: The Republican People’s Party, Secularism and Nationalism

The title of this book is a misnomer: the title should have been “The Republican People Party and Kemalism” for the book aims to unravel why this...

Sons of the Conquerors: The Rise of the Turkic World

One spring day towards the end of the cold war, a time of surprises, my teleprinter shuddered into action. A colleague in Beijing was sending a...

Hybrid Sovereignty in the Arab Middle East; the Cases of Kuwait, Jordan, and Iraq

The Middle East has been among the most problematic regions of the modern world for several decades. Undemocratic regimes, continuous coups d'etat,...

Rethinking Global Sisterhood: Western Feminism and Iran

The conspicuous representation of the women of the so-called "Middle East" 1 by Western Imperialists is not limited to this short-lived millennium...

The Impact of Religious Factors on Educational Change in Iran: Islam in Policy and Islam in Practice

All political systems use the public education system to propagate the basic values and principles on which they are based, and when the political...

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