Insight Turkey
Insight Turkey
Challenging ideas
On Turkish politics and International affairs

Political Settlements in Divided Societies – Consociationalism and Cyprus

There is a growing literature on what political settlements are to be adopted in deeply divided (or post-conflict) societies and in protracted...

Imagine Europe: The Search for European Identity and Spirituality

Lately, the search for the revival of a European spirit to respond to the continent’s pervasive crises in economic, social, cultural, and political...

Neighborhood Challenge: The European Union and its Neighbors

The EU’s neighborhood policy presents an alternative perspective to its position on enlargement and membership. As such, it complements the EU’s...

Europe’s Destiny: The Old Lady and the Bull

Scholars and politicians debating the future of Europe usually fall into two camps. There are the Euro-enthusiasts, claiming that Brussels – backed...

Türkiye’de Siyasal Katılım, Tek Partiden AK Parti’ye Siyasal İslam ve Demokrasi Tartışmaları

There are many institutions playing a role in weaving the ideals of democracy into Turkey’s social fabric. Many political actors in Turkish...

Die Tükei, die Juden und der Holocaust

Within a larger trend of critically rewriting the history of the early Turkish Republic, the history of the Jews in 20th century Turkey has...

International Migration and Citizenship Today

This book is a coherent and informative study of international migration with a specific focus on the reception of migrants in the West, in the...

A Brief Inquiry into the Meaning of Sin and Faith: With “On My Religion”

American political philosopher John Rawls (1921-2002) became world-famous when his A Theory of Justice (1971) was published and soon translated...

Secular Cycles

Peter Turchin and Sergey Nefedov’s book focusing on recent theoretical analysis of economic and sociological history, is a text of limitless...

Veil: Mirror of Identity

Christian Joppke’s study is an ambitious project that tries to examine the different ways in which European countries respond to the increased...

Redeploying the State: Corporatism, Neoliberalism, and Coalition Politics

Redeploying the State is a book about statehood, which can also be called state strength, capacity, or effectiveness. In order to address this...

Energy Security and Global Politics: The Militarization of Resource Management

An increase in world’s energy needs coupled with a decrease in available resources has created a trend that will lead to the militarization of...

Civilizations in World Politics: Plural and Pluralist Perspectives

The quest to incorporate non-material factors into international relations has continued apace into the twenty-first century. After religion,...

The Religions of the Book: Christian Perceptions, 1400-1660

Religions of the Book adds to a growing body of scholarship on Christian perceptions of Muslims and Jews. The collection is somewhat uneven, but...

Clan Politics and Regime Transition in Central Asia

This book examines the role of clans in Central Asia from the 19th century up to 2004. Most studies of regime transition focus on formal...

American Christians and Islam: Evangelical Culture and Muslims from the Colonial Period to the Age of Terrorism

Spiritual conflict with Islam has a long lineage in Christian thought. Bernard Lewis, the dean of Western scholars of Islam, points out that the...

The Magna Carta Manifesto

The Magna Carta tradition that has been enshrined in Anglo-American law and celebrated in liberal political culture focuses almost exclusively on...

The Ties that Bind: Accommodating Diversity in Canada and the European Union

“The Ties that Bind” is an edited compilation of European and Canadian authors discussing the issue of “Accommodating Diversity” in Canada and the...

Islam in Nederland en België

Shadid and van Koningsveld are at it again, this time with a full-length comparative treatment of Islam in two countries, the Netherlands and...

Geçmişiniz İtinayla Temizlenir (Your History is Carefully Cleaned: Historian as an Autopsy Expert)

The volume under review is the collection of many articles written at different times by Cemil Koçak. It consists of three main chapters, “Atatürk...

Under Crescent & Cross: The Jews in the Middle Ages

“Under Crescent and Cross: The Jews in the Middle Ages” by Mark Cohen is a useful work for those interested in the question of the status of Jews...

American Ascendance and British Retreat in the Persian Gulf Region

This book examines the shifting balance of power between two western allies in the tumultuous Middle East. British interest in the Persian Gulf...

U.S. Foreign Policy and Islamist Politics

“I argue that the vast majority of Islamist movements do not pose a real threat to the West and its interests,” Ahmad S. Moussalli asserts in his...

Artillery of Heaven: American Missionaries and the Failed Conversion of the Middle East

In this remarkable book, Ussama Makdisi offers a marvelously subtle analysis of American missionary work in nineteenth-century Syria, and just as...

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