Insight Turkey
Insight Turkey
Challenging ideas
On Turkish politics and International affairs

Turkmenistan: Strategies of Power, Dilemmas of Development

There are few regions more unknown and caricatured than Central Asia, and within it perhaps no country is less understood than Turkmenistan....

The Arab Revolution: Ten Lessons from the Democratic Uprising

The Arab world has been making a new history since January 2011 when the uprisings against President Ben Ali resulted in his fleeing from Tunisia....

Hoca: Türk Dış Politikasında Davutoğlu Etkisi

In recent years, not only have the changes in Turkish foreign policy been discussed but also the key factors and actors behind the change. This...

Atatürk: An Intellectual Biography

This work by M. Şükrü Hanioğlu somewhat represents a departure from previous work on the subject in that it seeks to distance Atatürk from the...

Gender and Society in Turkey: The Impacts of Neoliberal Policies, Political Islam and EU Accession

Women have been both the subjects and objects of Turkish modernization for a long time. They have always been at the forefront of burning questions...

Converging Europe: The Transformation of Social Policy in the Enlarged European Union and in Turkey

Is Europe converging in terms of policy development? How has the global financial crisis affected this and policy development in Europe more...

Islam in Europa: Religiöses Leben heute. Ein Portrait ausgewählter islamischer Gruppen und Institutionen

This book presents the results of the collaborative research project “Muslims in Europe and their Societies of Origin in Asia and Africa” which was...

Islam Without Extremes - A Muslim Case for Liberty

In Mustafa Akyol’s book Islam With- out Extremes, the author takes up the challenge to confront the many misconceptions and false portrayals of...

Fergana Valley: The Heart of Central Asia

Fergana Valley: The Heart of Central Asia is a remarkable volume that offers a very comprehensive and interesting study on the political and social...

Stable Outside, Fragile Inside? Post-Soviet Statehood in Central Asia

Stable Outside, Fragile Inside? Post- Soviet Statehood in Central Asia brings together a team of authors who address the complex issues of building...

Iran’s Foreign Policy in the Post-Soviet Era

With this book, Shireen Hunter offers an exhaustive manual of the Islamic Republic’s foreign policy. However, the excessive engagement in...

Global Salafism: Islam’s New Religious Movement

This volume is a compilation of essays on various aspects of Salafism, written by leading scholars and experts, mostly European based, on this...

Democracy in Turkey: The Impact of EU Political Conditionality

In the ever-increasing stream of academic studies of Turkey’s foreign policy, no aspect is better covered than Turkey’s relations with the European...

Harem Histories: Envisioning Places and Living Spaces

Controversies over the realities of life in the harem have long been in need of a treatment that challenges the stereotypically narrow perception...

Rise of Think Tanks: Foreign Policy and National Security Culture in Turkey

In the recent decade, the number of think thanks in Turkey skyrocketed. Those numbers should not cause overexcitement since along with the serious...

A Millennium of Turkish Literature: A Concise History

In this little book Talat Halman continues his lifelong campaign to acquaint the English-speaking public with Turkish literature. This introduction...

Reproducing Class: Education, Neoliberalism, and the Rise of the New Middle Class in Istanbul

Reproducing Class is a neatly focused examination of the transformative work of globalization in Istanbul through a focus on the family. With an...

Representations and Othering in Discourse: The Construction of Turkey in the EU Context

Notwithstanding its somewhat misleading title, this book focuses exclusively on the representations of Turkey in the French debate about Turkey’s...

The Narrative of the Occident

Georg Schmid’s The Narrative of the Occident was published by Peter Lang in 2009. The book consists of nine chapters; in the first four chapters...

Islam and the Veil: Theoretical and Regional Contexts

No matter how many attempts there have been to clarify the significance of the Islamic veil it remains a hotly contested issue. In Western...

Ethnicity, Migration and Enterprise

Under the impact of globalization, and despite increased calls for diversity to be recognized, universal citizenship rights that safeguard...

Years of Blood: A History of the Armenian-Muslim Clashes in the Caucasus, 1905-1906

The first decade of the 20th century represents a very significant though turbulent period in the history of the Caucasian peoples. Not only had...

Global Security Watch: The Caucasus States

Global Security Watch: The Caucasus States by Professor Houman A. Sadri of the University of Central Florida is an important addition to the...

Thinking Through Islamophobia: Global Perspectives

Thinking Through Islamophobia contains 27 essays examining the concept of Islamophobia through discussions that cut across continents and...

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