Insight Turkey
Insight Turkey
Challenging ideas
On Turkish politics and International affairs


Sergey Minasyan

Political Studies Department, Caucasus Institute, Yerevan, [email protected]
Sergey Minasyan
Prospects for Normalization between Armenia and Turkey: A View from Yerevan
April 1, 2010
Since Armenia’s independence in 1991, its three successive presidents have invariably expressed their country’s readiness to normalize relations with Turkey without preconditions. This is despite unsettled historical issues between these two nations, namely the issue of the 1915 Genocide of Armenians by Ottoman Turkey, and the disappointing record of the last two decades in which Turkey sealed its borders to Armenia and failed to establish diplomatic ties with it. Should ratification fail, it will be very hard for the two countries, and especially for Armenia, to continue with normalization. By spring 2010, mistrust of Turkey grew significantly even among those political circles in Armenia that were originally very pro-rapprochement and argued in favour of it in discussions with nationalists and Diaspora actors. Armenian society’s perspective on relations with Turkey is again moving closer to that of the Diaspora.

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