Insight Turkey
Insight Turkey
Challenging ideas
On Turkish politics and International affairs


Serdar Kaya

The author would like to thank Ekrem Karakoç, Şaban Kardaş, Mustafa Akyol, and the anonymous reviewers for their critical comments and helpful suggestions. Department of Political Science, Simon Fraser University, [email protected]
Serdar Kaya
The Rise and Decline of the Turkish “Deep State”: The Ergenekon Case
October 1, 2009
This article tests Mancur Olson’s theory of distributional coalitions against the case of the Turkish “deep state.” Olson’s theory holds that rent-seeking (or special-interest) groups tend to be exclusive by nature and pursue only the interests of their own members. Since their members account to a very small minority, these groups present their interests as being the interests of larger communities. The article argues that the Turkish case confirms the fundamental assumptions of the theory of distributional coalitions. An analysis of the historical process of the newly-exposed Turkish deep state reveals that, when put in proper context, its clandestine activities manifest a pattern which involves systematic efforts of an exclusive circle of group members (1) to impact the workings of Turkish society, and more recently, (2) to reverse the country’s democratization process in an effort to sustain the network’s dominating influence.

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