Insight Turkey
Insight Turkey
Challenging ideas
On Turkish politics and International affairs


Serap Yazıcı

Faculty of Law, Istanbul Bilgi University, [email protected]
Serap Yazıcı
Turkey’s Constitutional Amendments: Between the status quo and Limited Democratic Reforms
April 1, 2010
This article deals with debates surrounding the package of constitutional amendments proposed by AK Party deputies. The proposal consists of 27 articles; its general aims are to improve human rights standards, strengthen the rule of law, make the prohibition of political parties more difficult, and increase the democratic legitimacy of the judiciary. With regard to the last objective, the proposal suggests changing the composition and function of the Constitutional Court and the High Council of Judges and Public Prosecutors (HSYK). Among other innovations in the proposal are the introduction of a provision for constitutional complaint and the establishment of an Ombudsman. The article concludes that the proposal, despite certain deficiencies, is on the whole a positive step in the process of democratization. It should not, however, preclude the need for a totally new liberal and democratic constitution.

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