Insight Turkey
Insight Turkey
Challenging ideas
On Turkish politics and International affairs


Oğuz Türkyılmaz

Industrial Engineer, [email protected]
Oğuz Türkyılmaz
Turkey’s Energy Policies: Suggestions for a Change
July 1, 2010
This paper begins by underlining Turkey’s excessive external dependence on energy. Issues surrounding the creation of new power generation capacities are then reviewed, including the potential use of renewable energy sources and the importance of energy saving and efficiency. The government’s plans regarding the restructuring of Turkey’s energy sector, and the potential addition of nuclear energy, are also critiqued and discussed. The Commentary ends with policy suggestions for Turkey’s energy sector, emphasizing the need for policies based on inclusive, public debate; an updated inventory of Turkey’s energy sources; guidelines that the Energy Market Regulatory Authority should follow; and the importance of considering environmental issues and basing Turkey’s energy future on local and renewable sources.

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