Insight Turkey
Insight Turkey
Challenging ideas
On Turkish politics and International affairs


Nimrod Goren

Mitvim – The Israeli Institute for Regional Foreign Policies, and an Adjunct Professor at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, [email protected]
Nimrod Goren
An Unfulfilled Opportunity for Reconciliation: Israel and Turkey during the Arab Spring
April 1, 2012
2011 brought an opportunity for Israel and Turkey to mend their bi-lateral relations. The re-election of Erdoğan in June 2011, coupled with the dramatic events of the Arab Spring, provided a new political and regional context in which the relations could be re-evaluated. This context enabled Turkey and Israel, with US mediation, to make progress towards drafting an agreement between them – an agreement intended to enable the two countries to restore normal working relations following the 2010 flotilla incident. However, the draft agreement was eventually rejected by the Israeli government in August 2011, leading to a new cycle of escalating tensions between the two countries. This article analyzes the Israeli decision-making process and discourse regarding the crisis with Turkey, and examines the changing circumstances of 2011, including the impact of the Arab Spring and the contrasting Israeli and Turkish reactions to it; the dynamics leading to the Israeli decision to reject the draft agreement; and the possible next phases in Israel-Turkey relations, including the conditions that can provide a new opportunity for the two former allies to become less alienated.

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