Insight Turkey
Insight Turkey
Challenging ideas
On Turkish politics and International affairs


Maximo Cajal

Special Representative of the Spanish President in charge of the Alliance of Civilizations, [email protected]
Maximo Cajal
The Alliance of Civilizations: A Spanish View
July 1, 2009
In the foreseeable future, the international system will become one of multipolarity. This new order can be sustainable and peaceful only if it can guarantee harmony and a common purpose among nations. To that end, it must be based upon a package of ethical principles under the aegis of a more powerful, democratic and efficient United Nations system. These principles – democracy, multilateralism, full compliance with international law and respect for human rights – are the same moral rules that underpin the Alliance of Civilizations project as initiated by Spain and Turkey. It was a consequence of the awareness that something new had to be done to prevent a potential confrontation between two worlds, two mindsets. There was, and still is, a danger of a further drift between Islamic and Western societies that might threaten international peace and stability.

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