Insight Turkey
Insight Turkey
Challenging ideas
On Turkish politics and International affairs


İhsan Dağı

Professor, Department of International Relations, Middle East Technical University, [email protected]
İhsan Dağı
Editor's Note
November 22, 2008
On July 10, 2008, Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan paid a historic visit to Baghdad following up the visit of Iraqi president Jelal Talabani to Ankara in March. Both visits indicate growing cooperation between Turkey and Iraq, including the Regional Kurdish Administration in the North. Premier Erdogan publicly thanked the latter in Bagdad for its cooperation in the fight against terrorism, a gesture of rapprochement that will certainly ease the way Turkey deals with its own Kurdish question.
Editor's Note
November 21, 2008
The closure case against the ruling AK Party pending before the constitutional court occupied the center stage of Turkish politics throughout the summer.

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