Insight Turkey
Insight Turkey
Challenging ideas
On Turkish politics and International affairs


Elhan Mehtiyev

Peace and Conflict Resolution Center, Baku, [email protected]
Elhan Mehtiyev
Turkish-Armenian Protocols: An Azerbaijani Perspective
April 1, 2010
This commentary addresses Azerbaijan’s position prior to and in the aftermath of the Turkish-Armenian Protocols signed in October 2009. It critically analyzes Azerbaijan’s reactions to the Protocols, Turkey’s diplomatic initiatives, and its perception of Turkey’s position in this process. By signing the protocols, Turkey did nothing in practice against Azerbaijani interests except to reiterate the interdependence between any Turkish-Armenian rapprochement and Armenia’s move on the NK settlement. The commentary argues that the inexperienced Azerbaijani administration failed to manage Azerbaijani society’s reactions to Turkey’s signing of protocols with Armenia. It also discusses the consequences of a possible opening of Turkish-Armenian border for Azerbaijan and the region, and concludes that the way out of the frozen conflicts is contained in Turkey’s proposal for a Caucasus Stability and Cooperation Platform.

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