Insight Turkey
Insight Turkey
Challenging ideas
On Turkish politics and International affairs


Doğu Ergil

Ankara University, Faculty of Political Sciences, [email protected]
Doğu Ergil
Constitutional Referendum: Farewell to the ‘Old Turkey’
October 1, 2010
This commentary studies the results of the constitutional referendum that took place on September 12, 2010. It argues that the results underscore the Turkish people’s determination to do away with the current constitutional order created by the military regime following the 1980 coup and to write a new constitution that responds to the needs of contemporary Turkey. The commentary situates the positioning of the political parties in the constitutional referendum in the background of the structural changes that Turkish society has been going through in recent decades. It thus argues that the main cleavage in Turkish politics is no longer the traditional left-right ideological axis. Rather, the main line of division is between the static and reactionary forces comprising the old elites who seek to maintain their conventional privileges, and the progressive forces from the periphery who seek to gain political representation commensurate with their newly acquired wealth.

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