Insight Turkey
Insight Turkey
Challenging ideas
On Turkish politics and International affairs


Çiğdem H. Benam

Department of International Relations, Middle East Technical University, [email protected]
Çiğdem H. Benam
Emergence of a “Big Brother” in Europe: Border Control and Securitization of Migration
July 1, 2011
The European Union (EU) has been devising new methods to manage irregular migration and border control. In the last few decades, a clear link has been established between migration, borders and security in Europe. The paper critically examines this link and the EU’s response to the problem through the implementation of two methods: the externalization of border control and increased surveillance. Both these instrument mainly aim at eradicating risk with the help of surveillance tools such as databases and profiling people travelling from third countries, preventing irregular migrants from reaching the EU through pre-emptive measures, and dealing with them outside of the Union as much as possible. However, these methods create other forms of insecurities while claiming to attain a more secure Europe, such as empowering states at the expense of individual liberties and making individuals part of a total surveillance system where their daily actions and preferences are recorded.

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