Insight Turkey
Insight Turkey
Challenging ideas
On Turkish politics and International affairs


Ayhan Kaya

Department of International Relations, İstanbul Bilgi University, [email protected]
Ayhan Kaya
Individualization and Institutionalization of Islam in Europe in the Age of Securitization
January 1, 2010
This article discusses a new social and political phenomenon in Europe, which has become evident along with the visibility of Islam in the European public space. Revealing the current social-political context in Western Europe, which is mainly characterized by a growing drift of securitization of Islam and migration, this paper argues that there are two simultaneously running processes regarding the changing nature of Euro-Islam, which seem to are antithetical: individualization of Islam vs. institutionalization of Islam. Drawing upon the findings of the field research in Germany, France, Belgium and the Netherlands, this article shows that while the processes of globalization seem to prompt younger generations with Muslim background to liberate themselves from the constraints of their patriarchal parental and community culture, western states as well as ethno-cultural and religious brokers tend to reify, or reinforce, their existing communal and religious boundaries. That is to say that the descendants of migrants seem to have been squeezed between individualization and institutionalization of Islam.
Cosmopolitan Anxieties: Turkish Challenges to Citizenship and Belonging in Germany
July 1, 2009
Ruth Mandel’s brilliant work entitled Cosmopolitan Anxieties: Turkish Challenges to Citizenship and Belonging in Germany very eloquently proves Migration Studies is not only about migration; it rather covers more than that. The book is composed of eleven chapters designed to discuss the history of Turkish presence in Germany with a particular emphasis on Kreuzberg and Berlin.

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