Insight Turkey
Insight Turkey
Challenging ideas
On Turkish politics and International affairs


Ali Göksu

Department of Business, İstanbul Şehir University, [email protected]
Ali Göksu
Turkish Energy Market Law and Governance: How to Mobilize Investments
July 1, 2010
Turkey is still highly dependent on foreign energy resources and the supply of electricity is still not sufficient to meet current demand. Therefore, attracting local and foreign investments is vital in order to ensure supply security and establish a competitive and transparent market in the future. In this respect, fundamental regulatory changes have been made in the Turkish electricity market, previously dominated by the state. However, Turkey still lacks a sufficiently attractive energy market for foreign and local investors. It is the duty of the Turkish government to render attractive energy market conditions and regulatory environment for investors. This article looks into the structure of the Turkish electricity market. Various issues under the current system which may facilitate or hinder investors will also be evaluated, along with recommendations to improve the current market conditions.

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