Insight Turkey
Insight Turkey
Challenging ideas
On Turkish politics and International affairs

The Caucasus: Which Role for Turkey in the European Neighborhood?

The Turkish proposal of a Caucasus Stability and Cooperation Platform (CSCP), and its impact on existing EU initiatives covering the same region,...

Turkey s Emerging Role as a Mediator on Iran s

Turkey’s Emerging Role as a Mediator on Iran’s Nuclear Activities

The international community is worried about the security implications of Iran’s nuclear activities. Although it has been argued that Iran is very...

Turkey and the Middle East in the ‘New Era’ [Full Text]

Barack Obama’s inauguration as America’s new president has been welcomed as opening a ‘new era’ in Turkey’s relations with the United States. May...

The Davutoğlu Era in Turkish Foreign Policy

The Davutoğlu Era in Turkish Foreign Policy

Ahmet Davutoğlu was appointed Turkish foreign minister on May 1, 2009. Chief advisor to the Turkish prime minister since 2002, Davutoglu is known...

The European Union and Political Cleavages in Turkey

This article examines how the Turks’ views of the European Union align with notions of a center-periphery cleavage in Turkish politics....

The Alliance of Civilizations The Poverty of the Clash Alliance

The Alliance of Civilizations: The Poverty of the Clash/Alliance Dichotomy?

The Alliance of Civilizations (AoC) initiative emerged from debates around the “clash of civilizations.” Based on this I will argue that the...

The Alliance of Civilizations Possibilities of Conflict Resolution at the

The Alliance of Civilizations: Possibilities of Conflict Resolution at the Civilizational Level

This study examines the possible contributions of the critical perspectives and conceptual frameworks of the Conflict Resolution field to address...

Turkey and the Alliance of Civilizations: Norm Adoption as a Survival Strategy

This article asks why Turkey recently adopted the emerging international norm of inter-civilizational dialogue as one of its foreign policy...

The Emergence and Rise of Conservative Elite in Turkey

The Emergence and Rise of Conservative Elite in Turkey

The purpose of this essay is to examine the emergence and rise of a new “social group,” or what I call a “conservative elite” in Turkey. By using...

Muslim Democrats in Turkey and Egypt Participatory Politics as a

Muslim Democrats in Turkey and Egypt: Participatory Politics as a Catalyst

Partial and limited opening of authoritarian political systems in Turkey and Egypt created new democratic opportunities for Islamists to...

Sarkozy s Policy in the Middle-East A Break with the

Sarkozy’s Policy in the Middle-East: A Break with the Past?

Nicolas Sarkozy’s election as France’s president in May 2007 has marked a rhetorical change in the foreign policy of Paris and has made the French...

Between Crises and Cooperation The Future of Turkish-Israeli Relations

Between Crises and Cooperation: The Future of Turkish-Israeli Relations

Bilateral relations between Turkey and Israel nosedived after the recent Israeli operation in Gaza, and both countries tested each other’s red...

Altercating Interests and Orientations between Israel and Turkey A View

Altercating Interests and Orientations between Israel and Turkey: A View from Israel

This essay analyzes the relationship between Turkey and Israel against the background of the AKP ascent to power in Turkey in 2002 and the invasion...

Turkish-Israeli Relations after Davos A View from Turkey

Turkish-Israeli Relations after Davos: A View from Turkey

Despite the negative atmosphere it created for both sides, the Davos case should be seen as an opportunity to revisit the various aspects of...

Not Too Far: The Cyprus Crises of 1963-74 and Lessons for Present Day Iraq

The Cyprus tragedy of the past and the Iraq predicament of our times bear striking similarities. Cyprus of the 1960s and 1970s is not too far from...

Analyzing the Duma Elections in Russia

This article examines the December 2, 2007 State Duma elections in Russia in terms of their significance and implications for Russian politics. The...

A New Power Play in the Balkans: Kosovo’s Independence

This article discusses Kosovo’s independence from a framework of political and legal perspectives and assesses regional and global responses to the...

Turkey's Soft Power: An Unpolished Gem or an Elusive Mirage?

The article reviews the relevance of soft power for the case of Turkey, and assesses whether Turkey does have meaningful soft power potential. or...

The Possibilities and Limits of Turkey’s Soft Power in the Middle East

Turkey has been traditionally viewed mostly as a hard power in the Middle East, due to its military and economic strength. In recent years,...

Turkey's Potential as a Soft Power: A Call for Conceptual Clarity

Soft power is based on attraction and the ability to persuade others to further one's goals. The key sources of soft power are said to derive from...

Hard Power, Soft Power: Toward a More Realistic Power Analysis

This article builds on the insights of critical approaches to the study of power and seeks to lay bare the poverty of power analysis in mainstream...

Negotiating Europe: EU-Turkey Relations from an Identity Perspective

This article analyzes the identity dimension of EU-Turkey relations from the constructivist perspective in international relations theory. It...

Revisiting the Self: Researching Minorities in Turkey

Minorities have always been the subject of academic, journalistic and popular research in Turkey. The general trend of most of these analyses to...

Culture of Co-existence in Islam: The Turkish Case

This article aims to show how exchanges.between religion and secularism, Islam and democracy and cross-cultural relations over many years have...

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