Insight Turkey
Insight Turkey
Challenging ideas
On Turkish politics and International affairs

Turkish Interests and Involvement in the Western Balkans: A Score-Card

The vigor which has characterized the Turkish approach to the Western Balkans since the end of the Cold War has transformed the country into an...

Turkey s New Activism in the Western Balkans Ambitions and

Turkey’s New Activism in the Western Balkans: Ambitions and Obstacles

Following the Turkish Chairmanship-in-Office of the South-East European Cooperation Process (SEECP), 2009 represented the year of Turkey’s return...

The New Middle East and the United States: What to Expect After the Uprisings?

Recent uprisings and unrests across the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) have brought new leadership to Egypt and Tunisia, and could possibly...

The EU and the Arab Spring Between Spectatorship and Actorness

The EU and the Arab Spring: Between Spectatorship and Actorness

Throughout the first seven months of the Arab Spring, starting with the self-immolation of Mohammed Bouazizi in the Tunisian town of Sidi Bouzid on...

The Syrian Opposition in the Making Capabilities and Limits

The Syrian Opposition in the Making: Capabilities and Limits

Syria became the latest Middle Eastern country to join the chain of protests sweeping across the Middle East. The protests have since spread to...

Economic Liberalization and Class Dynamics in Turkey: New Business Groups and Islamic Mobilization

The growth of new capitalist classes since the 1980s has transformed social stratification, multi-party politics and the international political...

Turkey s 2011 General Elections Towards a Dominant Party System

Turkey’s 2011 General Elections: Towards a Dominant Party System?

Since 2002, the Turkish electoral environment and the party system have been undergoing a significant transformation. The Justice and Development...

Trade among OIC Countries: Limits of Islamic Solidarity

Since the early 1970s, member states of the Organisation of the Islamic Conference (OIC) have been pursuing the goal of enhancing economic and...

Ukraine s Changing Foreign Policy Implications on the Black Sea

Ukraine’s Changing Foreign Policy: Implications on the Black Sea Security

This article examines the current state of affairs in the Black Sea region by examining Ukrainian foreign policy and its implications on regional...

Turkey as a Migration Hub in the Middle East

This article focuses on Turkey’s process of transition from a country of emigration to a country of immigration and transit. The paper is organized...

From Distance to Engagement Turkish Policy towards the Middle East

From Distance to Engagement: Turkish Policy towards the Middle East, Iraq and Iraqi Kurds

Turkey’s Middle East policy has witnessed revolutionary changes since 1999. The changes in the attitude of Turkey towards the region can be easily...

From Distance to Engagement Turkish Policy towards the Middle East

From Distance to Engagement: Turkish Policy towards the Middle East, Iraq and Iraqi Kurds

Turkey’s Middle East policy has witnessed revolutionary changes since 1999. The changes in the attitude of Turkey towards the region can be easily...

Beyond the Democratic Wave in the Arab World The Middle

Beyond the Democratic Wave in the Arab World: The Middle East’s Turko-Persian Future*

It is unlikely that the Egyptian revolution will have a major impact on the political and strategic landscape in the Middle East in the short and...

Turkey’s “Demonstrative Effect” and the Transformation of the Middle East

A string of uprisings in Tunisia and Egypt followed by those in other countries have rekindled the issue of Turkey constituting a model for reform...

Global Transformations and the MENA: A Comparative Political Economy Analysis

The regional geographical entity known as the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) has been at the epicenter of global power struggles over the...

Turkey-GCC Relations: Is There a Future?

The historical solution to the security problem in the Persian/Arabian Gulf, that is, the active military protection of a super power, is no longer...

Whither an Axis Shift: A Perspective from Turkey’s Foreign Trade

Our analysis will discuss Turkey’s changing direction, if any, in terms of its trade orientation. This paper argues that Turkey’s trade sector has...

Businessmen as Diplomats The Role of Business Associations in Turkey

Businessmen as Diplomats: The Role of Business Associations in Turkey’s Foreign Economic Policy

Research on state-business relations has traditionally focused on business associations’ lobbying activities. However, as these organizations...

Turkey s Neighborhood Policy An Emerging Complex Interdependence

Turkey’s Neighborhood Policy: An Emerging Complex Interdependence?

In this paper, I argue that a fuller understanding of the recent activism in Turkish foreign policy, and in particular the changing nature of...

Economy as the ‘Practical Hand’ of ‘New Turkish Foreign Policy’: A Political Economy Explanation

Turkish foreign policy activism during the last decade has attracted widespread international attention. As a result, scholarly literature on the...

Multiple Faces of the New Turkish Foreign Policy Underlying Dynamics

Multiple Faces of the “New” Turkish Foreign Policy: Underlying Dynamics and a Critique

The “axis-shift” discussions on Turkish foreign policy activism over the last couple of years have attracted remarkable international attention....

Geo-Economics of European Gas Security: Trade, Geography and International Politics

This paper hypothesizes that analyzing the geo-economic and energy security characteristics of gas supplies to Europe may help in understanding the...

Making of a New State in the Balkans Kosovo

Making of a New State in the Balkans: Kosovo

Kosovo is one of the last states in the Balkan puzzle to gain its independence. The disputed region that declared independence on February 17, 2008...

Turkey s Darfur Policy Convergences and Differentiations from the Muslim

Turkey’s Darfur Policy: Convergences and Differentiations from the Muslim World

The effectiveness of the Muslim world in finding a solution to the Darfur conflict is open to debate. While many Muslim countries denied the...

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